February 2025
November 2024
September 2024
August 2024
April 2024
March 2024
We are also busy plotting and planning two further production over the coming 15 months: A sketch show in early September 2024 which will be performed at a range of local venues over 2 weekends and the premier of a new stage adaptation of the TV sitcom, the Brittas Empire in April 2025! Watch this space and social media for more details over the coming months!
September 2023
We are delighted to share that the script that we wrote back in 2013 for our production of Allo Allo 2 – The Camembert Caper has now been published with Concord Theatricals / Samuel French and is now available for performances by other theatre groups. The printed script even includes the credit for MKTOC’s premier performance of the show with our cast listed. You can order the script and arrange a license here: Concord Theatricals – Allo Allo2
May 2023
Rehearsals are in full swing for our production of Bleak Expectations, at the Chrysalis, Milton Keynes (1st to 3rd June 2023). The cast have been having great fun with the script and it promises to be a fantastic show. We’ve also been out in costume promoting at MK Museum and the MK Lit Fest at MK Library and look forwards to welcoming you to the Chrysalis next month!
February 2023
Following auditions, we have now cast our forthcoming production of Bleak Expectations by Mark Evans, at the Chrysalis, Milton Keynes from 1st to 3rd June 2023. Check out the great comedic acting talent we have lined up for you!
January 2023
We are excited to reveal plans for our stage adaptation of the classic Radio 4 Dickensian comedy Bleak Expectations by Mark Evans, at the Chrysalis, Milton Keynes from 1st to 3rd June 2023. The box office is now open!
December 2021
We are pleased to announce plans to stage 3 episodes of Porridge at the Carlton House Club, Olney in March 2022, by arrangement with the writers of this comedy classic. The box office is now open!
September 2021
We are delighted to say that, thanks to your generosity with ticket sales and donations, we have raised a total of £5,070 for the National Brain Appeal charity from our recent production of More Ripping Yarns. We are now hoping that the charity itself will be able to work with their wider sponsors to match that sum. We are so pleased to be supporting this worthy cause – thank you to everyone who has contributed to this great total!
August 2021
Not long to go until we perform More Ripping Yarns at the Arches outdoor theatre. Lots of silliness ready to share and the weather forecast is looking good so make sure you book your seats for some great comedy in a lovely atmospheric open air setting! Online booking and more info about the venue at the Arches online Box office.
June 2021
We have now cast More Ripping Yarns and have a great team on board! Rehearsals begin next week for our August production. In the meantime tickets are selling fast at the Arches online Box office.
March 2021
You can’t keep a bunch of extrovert luvvies down for too long and while we are not allowed to perform live on stage at the moment we are beaming into your own house with our virtual live sketch show on 11th April raising funds for Comic Relief! Read more here.
November 2020
We are very excited to announce that we’ll be staging more Ripping Yarns tales (by kind permission of Michael Palin and the late Terry Jones’ widow), open air at the Arches Theatre next summer. Planning underway and more information to be released soon! Read more here.
September 2020
After much discussion and assessing the ongoing risks and restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to postpone plans for our Christmas production this year: The Vicar of Dibley and Porridge Christmas specials (originally planned for early December 2020 at the Chrysalis Theatre, Milton Keynes). This is disappointing for all of us but the safety of our audiences and cast and crew is paramount.
We will be back performing indoor theatre next year (hopefully!) and plan to put on more outdoor theatre too after the success of Allo Allo at the Arches in August – depending on Government guidelines and restrictions in place at the time.
We are also exploring other ways to reach our ‘fan base’ such as an online performance and will let you know more details when we have developed them further!
August 2020
Thank you to everyone who came to see Allo Allo at the Arches. Sunshine, wind and a torrential downpour! The delights of British summer weather! We thoroughly enjoyed presenting live theatre and dispelling the lock down blues! You can watch credit sequences for each of the shows here: The Saturday cast and the Sunday cast.
Earlier in August: So after a ‘feeding frenzy’ of ticket sales, our production of Allo Allo at the Arches theatre on 22nd and 23rd August is now sold out in under 3 weeks. We look forwards to entertaining you, socially distanced in the open air later this month!
July 2020
Tickets for Allo Allo at the Arches theatre on 22nd and 23rd August are now on sale and selling faster than hot baguettes! We have even added 2 extra shows to cope with the demand but don’t delay too long as the limited seats will set out soon.
June 2020
The last few months have been rather strange for all of us with the Corona Virus lockdown impacting so much. We have however been keeping ourselves creatively challenged and entertained with a host of silly virtual performance which you can see on our YouTube channel.
We are all desperate to get back on stage and have fun and so we have taken the recent decision to move forward our planned open air production of Allo Allo at the Arches theatre from September to August. This will of course be subject to relaxation of current rules on gatherings and we are planning how we will ensure social distancing is possible for audience and cast. So make a note in your diary and keep a look out for announcements on tickets which should go on sale in the next few weeks.